About Startup Hive

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.–Harold R. McAlindon

Startup Hive™ is a startup incubator project in development by noted publisher, startup adviser and publicist Stephen G. Barr to be and supported by Barr’s other established companies SGB Media Group (Social Media & Public Relations), Boardroom Advisory Services (Corporate Advisory Board Management) and Barr Publications (Digital Publishing and Syndication). The primary mission of Startup Hive™ is to assist emerging technology start ups from conception through IPO, merger or sale by forming, serving, guiding, advising and governing their advisory & director’s boards on a fee or equity consulting basis with a focus on emerging  technologies, transparent reporting, legal and regulatory compliance, best practices, ethics and prudent leadership principles.

Seed funding procurement assistance through the use of a series of niche market, equity based crowdfunding sites, angel investment portal sites such as Angel List, Gust and Crowdfunder as well as through traditional venture capital sources.

Founder & Executive Director Stephen G. Barr is a highly sought after startup adviser, author, editor & publisher of 40 syndicated, digital publications utilizing multiple digital distribution channels in conjunction with launching and administrating national advertising campaigns for major Fortune 500 advertisers in partnership with Google, Ning, Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Commission Junction, DoubleClick, LinkShare, AvantLink, Share A Sale, PepperJam and other industry leading third party affiliate networks.

Senior product development team member and advisory board member from conception to public beta launch on over a dozen start-ups. A trusted strategic alliance facilitator and start-up adviser and mentor within the political, nonprofit, fine arts and real estate markets having worked on dozens of local, state and federal political campaigns and legislative initiatives in NY, AZ & CA since 1979. In 2009 he completed a fellowship in political leadership and nonprofit administration at The Center For Progressive Leadership, a national civic training institute that develops diverse leaders who can effectively advance progressive political and policy change.


Barr judging a Hackster.io event

Internationally recognized expert and widely read social media columnist on The Examiner, Associated Content, Vator.tv, Social Media Today, Wellsphere Network, Technorati, VentureBeat, eFactor and company owned sites covering numerous topical verticals and published and cross syndicated on the full range of current platforms. Curator of the “Niche Social Network Development” board on Quora.com and the “Social Media Group” on VentureStreet.com.

Specialties:Public relations, real estate, startups, affiliate marketing, digital publishing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, coworking, retailing, advertising, website & online forum development, niche social network development, community management, blogging, email campaigns, affiliate/performance marketing, search optimization, branding and identity, site location, event production & promotion and non-profit fund-raising.

“Thank you for supporting SGB Media Group and The Startup Hive Project! Over the course of natural progressions covering a span of 35+ years of my professional career I have traveled down a series of paths  from corporate real estate, music retail and manufacturing, political advocacy, fine arts, viticulture and enology, crowdfunding, traditional and digital journalism and publishing culminating in a unique aggregation of skill sets that I wish to use to assist socially responsible, relevant, under served or otherwise marginalized initiatives for the betterment of society and future generations. I can think of no better legacy to leave in one’s wake upon the universe as than to be remembered as living a life that explored the outer edges of human existence in order to act as a point of reference for those who choose a life in the middle of the huddle. To me, the few dings and burn marks collected in the process are relatively minor collateral damage when compared to the freedom and experiential education afforded by life at the polar extremities of the human experience.”


May 2012


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